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2018 bear season:

Before your arrival, much work has to be done.

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Trail and shooting ranges have to be cut out of overgrown forest.

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The bait barrels have to be set up

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Bridges have to be built to navigate wet lands

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As a guide, you have to LOVE what you do ... and they do!

Here is Walker wearing a vintage Makwa River Outfitters bear hat!


Monday, May 14, 2018 - Day 1 of Week #1

Jeff, who also hunts deer with us and his wife Lori are our only two hunters this week and what fun they are!

They weren't in their blinds for very long today and Jeff shot an awesome bear.  Immediately, he saw a text come in from his wife.  He thought that was very sweet of her to text a congratulations to him BUT.. she was texting him to tell him that she shot a bear!!!  THEY SHOT THEIR BEARS AT THE SAME TIME!  Ha ha ha .. that is too funny!

black bear hunt in Saskatchewan
Jeff's black bear with Makwa River Outfitters
large black bear hunt with outfitter Makwa River Outfitters

May 14/18 Jeff

This is a great bear Jeff?  It weighed in at 455 pounds ... for a spring bear that is a big bear!

Lori and her black bear during her hunt with Makwa River Outfitters Saskatchewan

May 14/18 Lori

skinning out a black bear at Makwa River Outfitters Saskatchewan
skinning a bear at Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan
skinning a bear at Makwa River Outfitters Saskatchewan

Barry, Walker and Che skinning out the bear

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Monday, May 21, 2018  - Day 1 of Week #2

Jason hunts deer with us and this is his first ever bear hunt.  Within 10 minutes of getting into his stand a black bear came in.  Jason sized it up compared to the bait barrel and knew that this was not the bear that he wanted.  The bear sat down to eat but a few minutes later he looked into the woods and took off running and then this chocolate color phase bear came in and the rest is history!  It was a good clean shot.  While Jason waited for the guide to come in, another 2 bear came in!  What a great experience at Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

Chocolate colour phase bear at Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 21/18 Jason

At 8:40 pm .. a sudden big wind came up.  John and Wayne are going to be swinging in those tree stands ... hang on guys!  tom and Frank will be snug in their ground blinds.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018  - Day 2 of Week #2

Unseasonably hot temperatures here... not good if you are looking to take one of those BIG BRUINS home.  Those big bear are content to stay deep in the woods where it is cool.  No bear taken today.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018  - Day 3 of Week #2

Dang ... another hot day!  Still no bear coming into camp!

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2018-05-09 bear claw marks in tree in saskatchewan

Check out the big bear claw marks in the tree above Che's head and Che is a tall man!

Thursday, May 24, 2018  - Day 4 of Week #2

The last few days have been crazy hot here.  the big boars, with their thick hot fur simply have not been moving!

But those "big boys" have to venture out eventually ...

Ah ... finally good news!  Wayne shot a bear this evening but it was the end of the day.  For safety, the guides will look for it in the morning. Our guides are excellent trackers and there is no doubt that the bear will be found in the morning.

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Friday, May 25, 2018  - Day 5 of Week #2

As predicted, the guides found Wayne's deer early this morning... it was only a few yards away from where they stopped looking last night!  Isn't that the way it usually is!

This is Wayne's first bear hunt and his very first bear .. way to go Wayne!

Wayne and his black bear from his hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 24/18 Wayne

This bear's face was pretty chewed up.  I t looked like another bear had virtually put this one's head into its mouth!  That means that there is one "helluva" BIG bear still out there.

Tom & Frank both took bear today!  Frank drove from Texas to Colorado to meet up with Tom and there two friends drove all the way from Colorado to our camp.  How super cool that these friends take their bear on the same day!

Guided black bear with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 25/18 Frank

Frank is looking forward to his delicious bear meat when he gets home.  I have not perfected the skill of cooking bear meat and try as I might, Frank just wouldn't give up his secret recipe!!  Something like squeezing out the recipe from our guide Larry for his "shine" ... it just ain't gonna happen!!

the best bear hunt in Saskatchewan at Makwa River Outfitters

May 25/18 Tom

Tom is a very avid bear hunter and has taken many, many bear.  His patience and skill in the blind is second to none!

John unfortunately went home empty handed but he very much enjoyed watching the bear that came by his stand.  He just chose not to take any of those.  This is John's first bear hunt and he wants his name first on the list for our next bear hunt. 

Wayne and John were our source of entertainment this week and they had us all laughing long and hard with their sarcastic (and hillarious) one liners and full stories about each other!  Jason was a target too for the antics and Tom and Frank joined in with a comment or two (WHEN THEY COULD!!).  Ha ha ha ... what a fun week!

Its hard to see friends like this leave after a week of fun!

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Monday, May 28, 2018  - Day1 of Week #3

The crazy Arkansas boys are back!

The first day of Steve, Rod, Mike and JL's week started with a tiny rain shower, some wind, a bit of thunder, along with hot, hot weather!  This evening it has cooled off to 73 degrees and it's very still.  I'm thinking this might be the perfect recipe for success!  Those big boars start coming in just before dark ...

Yep! Steve has a bear!

What a gorgeous color phase bear!

color phase bear at Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 28/18 Steve

Mike, Kenny, Rod and J.L. all saw bear.  J.L. is this week's "bear hunt virgin"!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018  - Day 2 of Week #3

Holy Moly!

Rod was barely in his stand for an hour and he was on the radio saying he had a bear!

And then .. while they were loading up Rod's bear, Kenny was calling on the radio saying he had a bear too!


black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 29/18 Rod

black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan
big black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan

May 29/18 Kenny

the best bear hunt is with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
successful bear hunt at Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
big bear from hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, canada

The guides were skinning/caping these two big bear until 5:00 am... we don't leave our bear overnight but get to it as soon as they arrive in camp.  We do everything we can to ensure the integrity of the hides and the meat.  Skinning until 5am shows just how hard our guides work to the BEST JOB for our clients.

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Wednesday May 30, 2018  - Days 3 of Week #3

A very wet and rainy day.  The good news is that J.L. is no longer a "bear hunt virgin"!  J.L. has a bear ... way to go!

black bear hunt Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 30, 2018 J.L.

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Thursday to Friday May 31 to June 1,  2018  - Days 4 to end of Week #3

Dang ... Mike went home without a bear this year.  Sometimes that's the way it works!


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