2022 deer season:
2022 Saskatchewan white tail deer hunt with Makwa River Outfitters begins!
Monday, November 7, 2022- Day 1 of Week #1
It the morning of an awesome first day of the hunt!
Temperature: 8 degrees Fahrenheit wind only at 7mph.
Hot breakfast served in the lodge at 6:20 am
Guides, Matt and Randal loading up the equipment
Almost ready ....
7:00 am .. away they go!
7:40 pm everyone is back in camp. Everyone saw deer but no deer were taken.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022- Day 2 of Week #1
10:50 am ... the first deer of the season has just been taken ... Congratulations Barrett!
This first white tail deer weighed in at 270 pounds.
Nov 8/22 Barrett
Wednesday, November 9, 2022- Day 3 of Week #1
It's been a slow day ...
But Hey! Ed has a deer ... and he is very excited with it.
It is a real character buck with its unique antlers. This brute weighed in at a whopping 310 pounds!
Nov 9/22 Ed
Ed says:
"the whole hunt exceeded my expectations.
I watched this buck for a long time and it was mind boggling.
He made 7-8 scrapes and as many rubs in front of me.
He was grunting and chasing does for 2 hours non-stop.
It was just unreal!"
Thursday, November 10, 2022- Day 4 of Week 1
Jake is back in camp by 11:00 am with his deer..
Nov 10/22 Jake
Jake was still setting up this morning
when he looked out and saw this buck 5 yards away from him!
He had to wait until it walked away so that he could get the gun up on him!
Jake was here in 20 years with the Jim Gokey group.
Here is his 2000 Makwa River Outfitters buck:
This is Jake with his deer in 2000
Friday, November 11, 2022 - Day 5 of Week 1
Our guide, Randal's birthday
We start this day off remembering and being forever thankful to those that have given us freedom in our countries.
In Canada, on this day, we all wear a poppy in our lapels to show the world that WE DO REMEMBER.
So many of our hunting clients (aka Friends) are vets and we are so appreciative for their service.
Makwa River Outfitters guide Larry is a vet and Walker is still in the Reserves.
A sincere thank you to all.
In Canada, we call it Remembrance Day and in USA it is called Memorial Day but we are all of one heart in this matter.
Joe has a deer ... its a good day!
Nov 11/22 Joe
Everyone is still laughing at Joe's
colorful description of the antics of Dolly and Cindy .. the two does at his stand!
The morning started off great for Nat ... he had a deer down ...
the guides tracked it for a long time this morning ...
they tracked it again, this afternoon ... they actually spotted it at one time, but it ran ...
they tracked it again this evening ...still have not caught up to him ...
they will try again in the morning...
It's not an easy thing for a hunter to not have an instant kill...
Its not easy for the guides to leave the deer after dark .. they are good at their jobs...
they are skilled, patient and forest wise ..
but this buck is giving them a challenge.
We all wish the guides luck in the morning.
Saturday, November 13, 2022 - the end of Week 1
Unfortunately, Nat's buck was not found.
Chris also went home without a buck. He admits that he set his expectations high.
He was looking for that special buck and refused to take anything less.
Monday, November 14, 2022- Day 1 of Week #2
And so week #2 begins ....
11:50 am ... the message comes in ... Al has a deer!
Its a wonderful day!
Nov 14/22 Al
Lyle said he had a great day ... he "saw more bucks than he could ever imagine"!
He is looking forward to tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 15, 2022- Day 2 of Week #2​
A beautiful dawn here for our white tail deer hunt in Saskatchewan ... temperature is just around 32F.
A shot has been fired at about 4:00 today....
...the wait begins for the moment when the report come in that the deer is found!
YES! ... Wayne has a deer!
And Lyle has a deer too! Whoot Whoot!
Nov 15/22 - Lyle
Nov 15/22 - Wayne
Wednesday November 16, 2022- Day 3 of Week #2
23 degrees Fahrenheit here today with a wind...
... and it got windier ...
No deer today
.... but these girls were ready to rumble!
The Dueling Does
Thursday November 17, 2022- Day 4 of Week #2
No deer today but there are two special people with birthdays to celebrate!
Happy Birthday Wayne and John!
Around the supper table.
A Martin on the bait!
Friday November 18, 2022- Day 5 of Week #2
Ok... we have some action....
Denny has a deer
Nov 18/22 - Denny
Jeff had to leave early to catch his flight and unfortunately he is going home without a deer.
On the way back to camp, Jeff and his guide, Randal saw two buck fighting
What is even more cool is that a BIG BUCK ran past behind the fighting bucks. It is really hard to see it on the video
but it is at 16 seconds ... it goes through like a ghost but Randal was able to produce a still shot from the video.
Saturday November 19, 2022- The end of Week #2
John goes home without a deer today. He saw a decent deer at the last moment and made a decision to let it go.
Sunday November 20, 2022- The night before the start of Week #3
A gathering of friends, old and new!
Many stories to share ...
Every year, I wait for a message from Tim and here it is, right on time:
"Kathy - Hope all is well!! The season goes by fast.
Can't wait to get to camp next Sunday for the final week ofthe season.
I've had lots of great memories with you and your family at Makwa River Outfitters
and I look forward to many more.
Again Thank You for all you do for us!!
Also pencil me in for the last week of 2023 season.
I'm coming back.
See you soon, Tim"
Monday November 21, 2022- Day 1 of Week #3
Last night Luke posed at his 2019 "shirt tail"....
This afternoon, he made sure that it wouldn't happen again ...
Luke has a deer down!
Nov 21/22 - Luke
Tuesday November 22, 2022- Day 2 of Week #3
We wish the other 5 hunters good luck!
...but there were no deer taken today.
But we were entertained by this little fella today:
Small but mighty!
This is our Saskatchewan weasel.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022- Day 3 of Week #3
Very mild temperatures here in Saskatchewan ... it was 28 degrees F this morning
and is supposed to get to 36 degrees this afternoon.
Its been way to quiet for way to long ...
but now we have a deer down!
Congratulations Phil!
Nov 23/22 -Phil
Thursday November 24, 2022- Day 4 of Week #3
A shot rang out in the forest this morning!
I think there is a "Thanksgiving Buck" coming in!
Yep ... here it is!
Congratulations Walter!
Nov 24/22 - Walter.
Friday, November 25, 2022- Day 5 of Week #3
Walter and Luke are very busy today....
Incredible views from the quad!
That is some prime Makwa River Outfitters White Tail "freezer filler" right there!
Saturday November 26, 2022- Last morning of Week #3
GREAT NEWS ... Phil Sr has deer!
Nov 26/22 - Phil Sr.
He's got some broken tines ... he's got "a story"!
I asked Phil if he was going to reconstruct the broken tines and he said he liked him just the way he is ...
me too Phil!
Jerry went home without a deer.
Phil also went home without a deer.
But lets be truthful...
if I was a deer, there is not a chance in Hell
that I would think of getting close to
the "Ultimate Deer Hunter"!
Ha ha ha ... we love you Phil!!
Hey ... its been a tough hunt ...
we had two hunters this week go home without a deer ...
but everyone left deposits to come back next year ...
We are honored to host great hunters who understand the "whole hunt experience"!
You guys are ALL great!
In the mean time, I got a notification on my phone that the Mai Boys are back in the country!
Woo hoo! .. gonna be another fun week!
Monday, November 28, 2022- Day 1 of Week #4
Here is the last week of our season already!
Here are pictures from Rich's treestand:
Thank you for sharing Rich!
No deer today ..
Tuesday, November 29, 2022- Day 2 of Week #4
Tim staying cozy warm in his heated treestand in 9 degree Fahrenheit temperatures
at Makwa River Outfitters on this white tail hunt.
Dick had company at his ground blind this morning!​
And wait a minute ... some one shot!
Yep ... Rich has a deer down!
First view of Rich's deer.
Nov 29, 2022 - Rich
Loaded up, secured and on its way back to camp .. another nice Saskatchewan White tail buck!
An email from Danny Palmer from New Mexico (who hunted with us in the past):
"Way to go. Looking good. I miss you so much. The greatest place on earth to hunt. Keep at it "
Thank you Danny! ..
Wednesday, November 30, 2022- Day 3 of Week #4
It's the coldest day that we have had yet ...
it was -13 Fahrenheit this morning and didn't warm up much ..
it is -10 Fahrenheit at 1:00 pm.
Walker is putting the tracks back on the quad
in preparation for the 4" of snow that is being forecast starting today
(4" usually means 6" in the forest).
We have a deer! Congratulations Dana!
Nov 30, 2022 - Dana
This is Dana's 24th year here! That is SOOOO AWESOME!
In the meantime, Rich has been busy
getting his Saskatchewan white tail
cut and packaged!
Impressive Rich!
Thursday, December 1, 2022- Day 4 of Week #4
Quiet day today ... too quiet.
No deer today.